Friday, September 24, 2010

I Don't Want To Grow Up

 Our ward has two nurseries, a HUGE junior primary, and is probably the noisiest Sacrament Meeting in the valley. Jace and I come home everyday to either a bike, a scooter or a 4 year old, sitting in our driveway. Our neighborhood is FULL of little ones. Running, riding, screaming and laughing, all day long. Sometimes we wonder where the parental supervision is :) 

With the weather cooling off, we've turned off the AC and opened the windows.  It's inevitable that we hear some of the conversations that take place right outside our front door.
Here are a few tid bits of what we heard this afternoon:
Little girl- "Guys, don't eat paper... if you eat paper, you're eating trees!"
Little boy- "Seagulls are weird looking birds."
Little girl- "Here, use this, it will make your owie feel better."

Jace and I find ourselves wishing that our lives could still be that simple.


Parkside View said...

Once the second child enters into the family equation, parental supervision is lessened exponetially with the birth of each subsequent child. My guess is that the unsupervised children in question are not the oldest in their families but perhaps ones like...oh...let's say for example....Garrett!

Lindsey said...

Call me lame and if our neighbors read this they may hate me in the future, but those kids are always wanting C to come out and play and I just can't let my kid run wild with no parent out there watching them. At their age...I'll await the stoning...
That being said, don't you wish you could play outside again for hours on end?

Heather said...

I wonder what the neighbors or Mom and Dad heard from us as we spent hours playing in the backyard. Then again, they probably couldn't hear anything because of our massive backyard! Kids are so fun! I get to hear all sorts of kid awesome-ness every day during preschool!

Unknown said...

amen about parental supervision. GEEZ!!!!!!!! I'll stop there ;)