Sunday, December 02, 2012

One Month

If you ever want time to fly by in a ridiculously, crazy fast way, have a baby.
This last month has been the craziest, hardest, most fun and rewarding month for both Jace and I!  Our little peanut has been the biggest blessing, bringing us closer together than we've ever been :)

An Ava Update:

*The little miss is now 5 and 1/2 weeks old and weighs a whopping 7lbs 14oz.
*She is SUCH a good baby... pretty much only cries when she's hungry. 
*She LOVES to be swaddled.  If she is unconsolable for whatever reason (doesn't happen often) all we have to do is wrap her up tight like a little papoose and she calms right down.
*Her sleepy gas smiles melt me... I cannot wait for the day when she actually smiles at ME! Hopefully it's soon :)
*She loves to make eye contact with us, and loves the sound of her daddy's voice.
*We gave breast feeding an honest to goodness try for the first 3 weeks, but my body doesn't produce a good milk supply (most depressing thing in all the world) so she is mostly formula fed these days.  Occasionally she will get some good momma's milk... but it's a rare occasion.
*She will go 3 and a 1/2 to 4 hours in between feedings and sometimes 4 and a 1/2 to 5 hours at night... allowing momma to get some good sleep :)
*Speaking of sleep, she's really good at it.  It's her favorite thing to do.
*She LOVES bath time... and her "happy" chair.
*And loves to cuddle with daddy.
*She has a super pathetic, "life is so hard" faker than fake cry that just makes us laugh.  I'm afraid we've got a bit of a drama queen on our hands :)
*She has brought so much joy into our lives and our home and we love her with all of our hearts!  We feel so blessed and grateful to have such a perfect, sweet baby girl!

We recently had our wonderful friend Marc (the one who took my maternity photos) take a few pictures of our now family of THREE!  My perfect, angel baby who NEVER fusses, like EVER, was of course the most fussy she's ever been while trying to take these photos.  Thank goodness we got a few (okay, actually just ONE) where she wasn't screaming... little stink.
Never mind her open mouth, and the little glimpse of paci you can see in my hand... I had just ripped it out of her mouth seconds before :) But hey, it worked!

I never thought my heart could hold so much love for these two. 
There are no words to describe how much I love my new little family.
They are my world :)


Amy Rex said...

you guys are the cutest! we are coming up to utah for new years and we would love to see you guys! tell jace to call tyler!