Monday, January 24, 2011

Missed A Few

I just realized that I haven't done my "Gratitude" list at the end of any of my posts for the last few months.  Not because I haven't been grateful, mostly because I've just been forgetful. I figured now is as good a time as any to catch up a bit...

I am grateful for my 12 week old, extremely smart and hilarious puppy that we like to call Jett.
I am grateful for Cuties.
I am grateful for leggings (so comfy)
I am grateful for boots.
I am grateful for leggings worn with boots.
I am grateful for the "spring" like days we've been having (only in Utah can you call 40 degrees and sunny, "springlike". Seriously?)
I am grateful for my guilty pleasure T.V. shows which include, The Bachelor, Courtney & Kim Take New York, AND Bridalplasty (judge me all you want, I love them)
I am grateful for my husband, duh, he's the coolest.
I am grateful for my totally awesome work schedule.
I am grateful that January is almost over. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Winter Blues

I'd rather be here:
Or here:
Doing this:
Or this:
Instead, I'm stuck in this dreaded Utah Winter.  Freezing to death even with 12 layers on.  I'm over it.  How about you?