Monday, November 29, 2010

Giving Thanks

My cup runneth over...

great health
a warm & comfortable home
loving & supportive families
modern medicine
Provo Pediatric Dental
a reliable car
an amazing husband.

Just to name a few.

We had the opportunity this year to spend Thanksgiving day with my family.  We then headed up to Missoula to visit Jace's extended family.  It was a wonderful weekend and I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life!
Thanksgiving Day
Crafts with the girls

Shoveling snow in Missoula
View of Missoula from Papa's deck

Cousin Thomas and Jace

Towing our car up to the house... it tried hard, but just couldn't make it up the steep, snowy hills.

The cousins. Ready for some good eats from Gramma
Jace and Riley
I just love my Missoula family!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Turkey Tourney

Yesterday was eBay's 9th Annual Turkey Bowl.  If you put football and tournament in the same sentence, you can bet your bottom dollar that we (Jace and extremely loving and supportive wife) will be there.  It was a cold 5 hours of flag football.  And when I say cold, it was COLD.  And the 50 mph winds didn't help much... but like I said, I am a very, VERY loving and supportive wife and I stayed the whole time Jace's team played. Most of the other wives left early, so that makes me pretty much the coolest wife ever. That's just what I've been told.

Bonus: eBay fed us breakfast AND lunch and had an endless supply of hot chocolate :) Which made it bearable.

Unfortunately, Jace's team didn't make it to the final bracket in the tournament, (I was secretly okay with that, seeing as we would've had to stay another hour or so in that dreaded wind if they continued. And I already could no longer feel my extremities) but they played so hard and did really well regardless! 

Wife Of The Year

Did I mention that eBay is pretty cool?  We are feeling very blessed and are extremely grateful for the opportunity Jace has been given to work for them.

Monday, November 15, 2010


The thought of having a baby has always been something on my mind.  I am a woman for goodness sake.  It's my divine nature to want to be a mother and give life.  But other thoughts have pushed their way forward... "We're not financially ready."  "We need to be more established and successful."  "I'm scared."  "Having a baby will change our lives forever."  "We're enjoying out time together, just the two of us."  All of those thoughts are legit I suppose.  I mean, it's normal to factor in all types of concerns when one is considering making a life altering decision. Right?


Nevertheless, I'm hungry.  So ridiculously baby hungry I don't know what to do with myself.

Every magazine I see in the grocery store, pictures another celebrity's 'baby bump'.  Every fast Sunday (it seems) there's another baby blessing... sometimes multiple ones.  Every Facebook status is announcing the exciting news of the 'new arrival' of their first, their third.  It's all around me.  Pounding into my brain.  I feel like the world is screaming, "DO IT!"  And it seems like that's all I can think about... wanting to be pregnant.  Wanting to have a baby.

Jace and I have a list.  A long one.  Consisting of 'oh so darling' names that we wish for our future children.  I find myself really, really wanting to put that list to good use.  And as of late, I've come to the realization that we will never be 'financially ready' and that yes, 'having a baby will change everything' and that it's completely normal to be scared out of my mind.  

But when?  When do we make that life altering decision?  That is the question that remains unanswered. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

Double Date

Friday Night.  MacDonald's.  Happy Meals.  Wal-Mart.  Sponge Bob.  Jammies.  Sleeping Beauty.  Cookies.  Coloring.  Diary Of A Wimpy Kid.  

All of that + this dynamic duo:
= one fun date night :)

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Downward Slope

 Jace's birthday last weekend put him past the Quarter of a Century mark and on to the big 26... Now, 26 isn't that old, but once past 25, you're now considered "Late 20's".  That's huge.  Especially because it puts you one year closer to 30 :) Despite the fact that we (meaning ME) have found TWO gray hairs on his head in the last month, he's handling this whole getting older thing... pretty well.
At the Montana-Weber State football game with the Helean's.  Sad to say, Montana lost :( Not the outcome you want for a Montana boy on his birthday.
The weather was cooperative, UNTIL the last quarter. Then we broke out the good old ponchos. 
Dinner at one of our favorites, Texas Roadhouse.
Did I mention that I'm sure happy that this kid was born 26 years ago? He makes a pretty cool roommate :)